Schools Out Camp Day Feb 17

Schools Out Camp Day Feb 17

Campers ages 5-12

Schools Out Camp Day: Echo Bluff Campers will enjoy a day of camp in the middle of the school year.  The campers will have the opportunity to experience a variety of camp activities. Activities include but are not limited to hiking, campfire cooking, crafts, science, gaga ball, and a lot more. Campers need to dress for the weather. Campers bring their own lunch or money to purchase lunch from snack shack. A Standard camp day starts at 9 ( drop starts at 8:30) and ends at 4. Before-care is available at 7am and after-care till 5pm, Please add before or after care needs to your comments as well as any allergies or limitations. 


Event Information

Event Date Monday, 02-17-2025 8:30 am
Event End Date Monday, 02-17-2025 4:00 pm
Cut Off Date Sunday, 02-16-2025 11:55 pm
Capacity 16
Registered 3
Available Place 13
Individual Price $30.00
Location Echo Bluff Park

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Location Map